A college education has become a significant expense for most families and requires careful planning. Whatever your financial situation is, we encourage you to use this information to help you understand college funding so you can navigate the financial aid process with greater ease.

State Financial Aid

States provide many financial aid opportunities to help ease the cost of a college education. Please select the state you reside in to learn about state sponsored internships, scholarships and financial aid programs for undergraduate students and assistantships, fellowships, and residency programs for graduate and professional students.


For more detailed information on state financial aid programs contact:

Connecticut Department of Higher Education

450 Columbus Blvd
Hartford, CT 06103-1841
(860) 947-1800
(860) 947-1310 Fax

Roberta B Willis Need-Merit Scholarship Program

Who is Eligible: CT resident who is a high school senior or graduate with a high school junior year class rank of 20% or better and/or SAT scores of at least 1200 or ACT score of at least 25. Recipient must attend a CT public or non-profit private college.

Amount: Up to $5,250 a year for full-time attendance in a 4-year program of study; up to $4,650 a year for full-time attendance in a 2-year program of study.

CHESLA Loan Program

Who is Eligible

Families with a student enrolled at least half-time in a CT non-profit college or a CT resident enrolled at least half-time in a non-profit college anywhere in the U.S.


May annually borrow up to full cost of education less other aid at a low fixed interest rate. Graduate and professional students may capitalize interest while in school. Upon completion of college, the loan is paid off over 140 months.