A college education has become a significant expense for most families and requires careful planning. Whatever your financial situation is, we encourage you to use this information to help you understand college funding so you can navigate the financial aid process with greater ease.

State Financial Aid

States provide many financial aid opportunities to help ease the cost of a college education. Please select the state you reside in to learn about state sponsored internships, scholarships and financial aid programs for undergraduate students and assistantships, fellowships, and residency programs for graduate and professional students.


For more detailed information on state financial aid programs contact:

New Mexico Commission on Higher Education

1068 Cerrillos Road

Santa Fe , NM 87505-1650

(505) 476-6500

Hotline 800-279-9777



The following are financial aid programs available to students who are residents of New Mexico.

Legislative Lottery Scholarship

The Legislative Lottery Scholarship helps pay tuition expenses for New Mexico high school graduates (or GED recipients) who plan to attend an eligible New Mexico public college or university.
Students establish eligibility in the first regular semester immediately following their high school graduation and funding begins in the second college semester. To find out more about scholarships for the first regular semester, contact the financial aid or scholarship office at your college or university.

Legislative Lottery Scholarship: Students with Disabilities

A student who self-identifies with the institutional office that serves students with disabilities may request to take less than 12 credit hours, in no case however, shall a student take fewer than 6 credit hours. The student is still required to maintain Lottery eligibility with a 2.5 GPA and consecutive enrollment at a New Mexico public college or university.

New Mexico Scholars


The New Mexico Scholars Program was created to encourage New Mexico high school students to attend public post-secondary institutions or the following private colleges in New Mexico:

How much is the award?

  • Tuition, fees, and books
  • Renewable if student meets eligibility requirements
  • May receive scholarship no more than 4 years

How do I apply?
Contact the Financial Aid Office at the college or university to inquire about the application process.
Each applicant is required to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid(FAFSA).

Legislative Endowment Scholarship


Legislative Endowment Scholarships provide aid for undergraduate students with substantial financial need who are attending public post-secondary institutions in New Mexico.

How much is the award?

  • Four-year schools may award up to $2,500 per academic year.
  • Two-year schools may award up to $1,000 per academic year.
  • Renewable if student maintains satisfactory progress

New Mexico Competitive Scholarship


Competitive Scholarships were created to encourage out-of-state students, who have demonstrated high academic achievement in high school, to enroll in public 4-year universities in New Mexico.

How much is the award?

Recipients of at least $100 in Competitive Scholarship funds per semester are eligible for resident tuition and fees.

Renewable for up to 4 years.

Vietnam Veterans’ Scholarship


The Vietnam Veterans’ Scholarship Program was created to provide aid for Vietnam veterans who are undergraduate and graduate students attending public post-secondary institutions or select private colleges in New Mexico.

Collegeof Santa Fe

St. John’s College

College of the Southwest

How do I apply?

Contact the New Mexico Veterans’ Service Commission at 1-505-827-6300 or the Financial Aid Office at any New Mexico public or eligible private institution.

College Affordability Grant

The purpose of the College Affordability Grant is to encourage New Mexico students with financial need, who do not qualify for other state grants or scholarships, to attend and complete educational programs at a public New Mexico college or university. How much is the award?

  • Maximum of $1,000 per semester
  • Renewable if student maintains satisfactory progress
  • May receive scholarship for a total of eight (8) consecutive semesters

New Mexico Student Incentive Grant

The New Mexico Student Incentive Grant was created to provide aid for undergraduate students with substantial financial need who are attending public colleges or universities or the following eligible colleges in New Mexico:
St. John’s College
University of the Southwest
Institute of American Indian Art
Crownpoint Institute of Technology
Diné College
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
How do I apply?
Contact the Financial Aid Office at the college or university to inquire about the application process.
Each applicant is required to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Student Choice Grant

Purpose Student Choice Grants were created to provide aid for undergraduate students with substantial financial need who are attending the following private institutions in New Mexico.
College of Santa Fe
St. John’s College
College of the Southwest
How much is the award?

  • The amount of the award is determined by the institution
  • Part-time students are eligible for pro-rated awards

How do I apply? Contact the Financial Aid Office at the college or university to inquire about the application process.
Each applicant is required to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid(FAFSA).

New Mexico Work Study Program

Purpose The New Mexico Work Study Program was created to provide funding for employment opportunities for qualified resident students attending public colleges or universities or the following eligible colleges in New Mexico:
St. John’s College
College of the Southwest
Institute of American Indian Art
Crownpoint Institute of Technology
Diné College
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute

How do I apply? Contact the Financial Aid Office at the college or university to inquire about the application process. Each applicant is required to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Teacher Loan-For-Service

The purpose of the Teacher Loan-for-Service is to proactively address New Mexico’s teacher shortage by providing students with the financial resources to complete or enhance their post-secondary teacher preparation education.

Nursing Loan-For-Service

Purpose The purpose of the Nursing Loan-for-Service is to increase the number of nurses in areas of the state which have experienced shortages by making educational loans to students entering nursing programs. As a condition of each loan, the student shall declare his/her intent to practice as a health professional in a designated shortage area. For every year of service, a portion of the loan will be forgiven. If the entire service agreement is fulfilled, 100% of the loan is eligible for forgiveness. Penalties may be assessed if the service agreement is not satisfied.

Medical Loan-For-Service

Purpose The purpose of the Medical Loan-for-Service is to increase the number of physicians in areas of the state which have experienced shortages of health professionals by making educational loans to students entering medical school. As a condition of each loan, the student shall declare his/her intent to practice as a health professional in a designated shortage area. For every year of service, a portion of the loan will be forgiven. If the entire service agreement is fulfilled, 100% of the loan is eligible for forgiveness. Penalties may be assessed if the service agreement is not satisfied.

Allied Health Loan-For-Service

Purpose The purpose of the Allied Health Loan-for-Service is to increase the number if physician assistants in areas of the state which have experienced shortages of health practitioners, by making educational loans to students seeking certification/licensers in an eligible health field. As a condition of each loan, the student shall declare his/her intent to practice as a health professional in a designated shortage area. For every year of service, a portion of the loan will be forgiven. If the entire service agreement is fulfilled, 100% of the loan is eligible for forgiveness. Penalties may be assessed if the service agreement is not satisfied.

Minority Doctoral Assistance Loan for Service Program

The Minority Doctoral Assistance Loan for Service Program was enacted to increase the number of ethnic minorities and women available to teach engineering, physical or life sciences, mathematics and other academic disciplines in which ethnic minorities or women are demonstrably underrepresented in New Mexico Colleges and Universities. The state encourages partnerships between the New Mexico Higher Education Department, institutions of higher education and students interested in entering a doctoral program to cultivate greater participation by underrepresented groups in doctoral programs leading to careers as university faculty. Their participation will not only provide an increase in the diversity of faculty at New Mexico institutions of higher education, but it will also enhance educational opportunities for New Mexicans from underrepresented groups. An additional outcome will be the increase of role models from diverse backgrounds in disciplines where few faculty from underrepresented groups presently exist.

Nurse Educator

The purpose of the New Mexico Nurse Educator Loan-for-Service program is to enhance the ability of college- and university-employed nursing educators to obtain Bachelor of Science, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. As a condition of each loan, the student shall declare his/her intent to serve in a nurse faculty position in a New Mexico public, post-secondary institution. For every academic year of service, a portion of the loan will be forgiven. If the entire service agreement is fulfilled, 100% of the loan is eligible for forgiveness. Penalties may be assessed if the service agreement is not satisfied.

WICHE Loan-For-Service (Professional Student Exchange Program)

The purpose of the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE)

Loan-for-Service Program is to allow New Mexico students to enroll at selected out-of-state graduate or professional programs which are not offered at New Mexico public universities.

Exchange students receive preference in admission. They pay reduced levels of tuition: for most students, resident tuition in public institutions or reduced standard tuition at private schools. New Mexico pays a support fee to the admitting school to help cover the cost of students’ education.

Fields supported by New Mexico are listed below.


Veterinary Medicine

As a condition of each loan, the student shall declare his/her intent to return to New Mexico to practice as a professional in their field of study.

For every year of service, a portion of the loan will be forgiven. If the entire service agreement is fulfilled, 100% of the loan is eligible for forgiveness. Penalties may be assessed if the service agreement is not satisfied.