Spread the word about TFS’s funding resources with these flyers. Choose from an inkjet friendly version for your personal printer or two versions that are formatted to be printed professionally.
Send an email to students and families about the free resources available from TFS Scholarships. Components provided include tailored content, masthead image, testimonial, supporting image, and a “call to action” button.
Want to include information about TFS in your own newsletter? Select the audience below that best fits your needs.
Promote TFS on websites and other digital platforms with an animated GIF. Banners are provided for a variety of individual audiences.
This table topper will attract attention at events. (Assembly required)
Spread the word on social media! Follow TFS on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to share our Scholarship of the Day!
Have questions about any of these resources? Please contact TFS at support@tuitionfundingsources.com