A college education has become a significant expense for most families and requires careful planning. Whatever your financial situation is, we encourage you to use this information to help you understand college funding so you can navigate the financial aid process with greater ease.

State Financial Aid

States provide many financial aid opportunities to help ease the cost of a college education. Please select the state you reside in to learn about state sponsored internships, scholarships and financial aid programs for undergraduate students and assistantships, fellowships, and residency programs for graduate and professional students.


For more detailed information on state financial aid programs contact:

Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE)
1600 Broadway, Suite 2200
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 862-3001

The following are financial aid programs available to students who are residents of the state of Colorado

Colorado student aid is appropriated by the state legislature and allocated by the Colorado Commission on Higher Education to eligible Colorado colleges and universities. Colorado student aid awards are made by institutions to students based upon state guidelines and according to institutional policies and procedures. Any aid received must be used for tuition, fees, room, board, books, supplies or other expenses related to attendance at Colorado institutions.

Contact colleges for complete information and details about application procedures and deadlines. Institutions may vary in what they offer to students, and State aid is not transferable between institutions.

General Student Eligibility Requirements

A student must meet the following requirements to be eligible to apply for state assistance programs:

Colorado residency for tuition purposes (a small percentage of Graduate Fellowship awards may be made to non-residents of Colorado at some institutions.);

Enrollment in an eligible program at an eligible Colorado postsecondary institution;

Satisfactory progress toward completion of a course of study;

No defaulted educational loans or grants.

**The following is a list of state assistance programs, which may be available at participating institutions in Colorado:

Colorado Need-based Awards

Includes the Colorado Student Grant, Colorado Graduate Grant. Available to qualified students with documented financial need.

Colorado Work-Study

Part-time employment program designed to assist students with financial need or work experience.

Dependents Tuition Assistance Program

Pays tuition, room and board for dependents of Colorado law enforcement officers, fire or national guard personnel killed or disabled in the line of duty, and for dependents of prisoners of war or service personnel listed as missing in action. Applications are available at the Colorado Commission on Higher Education.

Colorado National Guard Tuition Assistance Program

Pays up to 100% of tuition costs at state supported institutions, for its members. For more information, contact a National Guard recruiter or the state tuition assistance office at (303) 677-8913.


All programs may not be available at all participating institutions. Contact the institution for details.