A college education has become a significant expense for most families and requires careful planning. Whatever your financial situation is, we encourage you to use this information to help you understand college funding so you can navigate the financial aid process with greater ease.

State Financial Aid

States provide many financial aid opportunities to help ease the cost of a college education. Please select the state you reside in to learn about state sponsored internships, scholarships and financial aid programs for undergraduate students and assistantships, fellowships, and residency programs for graduate and professional students.


For more detailed information on state financial aid programs contact:

New HampshirePostsecondary Education Commission

2 Industrial Park Drive

Concord, NH 03301-8512

(603) 271-0256 (voice)

FAX (603) 271-2696

TDD Access Relay NH: 1-800-735-2964



The following are financial aid programs available to students who are residents of the state of New Hampshire.

NH Incentive Program

Purpose: Provide financial assistance to NH students attending eligible institutions in New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont).

Eligibility Criteria: Be a NH resident; demonstrate financial need as determined by the federal formula (EFC cutoff for 2010-11 is 0); meet application deadline; be a part-time or full-time undergraduate student with no previous bachelor’s degree; attend an eligible institution in New England; and, if an upper-class applicant, have a grade point average of at least 2.00 on a 4.00 basis and meet satisfactory academic progress as determined by the institution.

Award: $125 to $1,000 per year

Grant Program Leveraged Incentive

Purpose: Provide grant assistance on the basis of merit and need to full-time undergraduate NH students at NH accredited institutions.

Eligibility Criteria: Be a NH resident; demonstrate financial need as determined by the federal formula and by merit as determined by the institution; be a sophomore, junior or senior undergraduate student.

Award: Determined by the institution. Awards have ranged from $250 to $7,500, and averaged $1,056.

Contact: Financial aid office at your NH institution

Workforce Incentive Program

The Workforce Incentive Program links higher education with critical workforce needs. There are two components to this program: forgivable loans and education loan repayment.

Scholarships for Orphans of Veterans

Purpose: Provide financial assistance (room, board, books and supplies) to children of parent(s) who served in World War II, Korean Conflict, Vietnam (Southeast Asian Conflict) or the Gulf Wars, or any other operation for which the armed forces expeditionary medal or theater of operations service medal was awarded to the veteran.

Eligibility Criteria: Be a NH resident; be between the ages of 16-25; be enrolled half-time or greater; your parent(s) died while on active duty or from a service-related disability and was a NH resident at time of death; attending a NH public institution of higher education.

Award: Maximum of $2,500 per year

Contact: Cynthia Capodestria (603) 271-2555, x360

Please Note: Recipients are also eligible to receive a tuition waiver from the institution.
Download an application for the Scholarship for Orphans of Veterans Acrobat Reader

Medical Education Programs

Purpose: Provide access to Dartmouth Medical School leading to a doctoral degree in allopathic medicine or the University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine leading to a doctoral degree in osteopathic medicine.

Eligibility Criteria: Be a NH resident as determined by completion of Residency Form ( download Residency Form) Acrobat Reader; be accepted to the medical program at Dartmouth Medical School or the University of New England, College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Veterinary Education Program

Purpose: Promote access to institutions, currently Tufts and Cornell Universities, offering programs in veterinary medicine.

Eligibility Criteria: Be a NH resident as determined by completion of Residency Form ( download Residency Form)Acrobat Reader; Tufts University is based on need; Cornell University is based on merit.

Award: $12,000 per year paid directly to institution

Tuition Waivers for Foster Children

Purpose: To provide tuition and fee waivers, for up to 20 students per year, who are eligible foster children and enrolled full-time in a program leading to a certificate, associate, or bachelor’s degree at any 2- or 4-year NH public institution.

Eligibility Criteria: Be a NH resident; be less than 23 years old by the application deadline; be enrolled full-time at a 2- or 4-year NH public institution; be certified as an eligible foster child by the NH Division of Children, Youth and Families.

Award: Waiver of tuition and fees

Application: Application for Tuition Waiver for Foster Children Acrobat Reader