A college education has become a significant expense for most families and requires careful planning. Whatever your financial situation is, we encourage you to use this information to help you understand college funding so you can navigate the financial aid process with greater ease.
States provide many financial aid opportunities to help ease the cost of a college education. Please select the state you reside in to learn about state sponsored internships, scholarships and financial aid programs for undergraduate students and assistantships, fellowships, and residency programs for graduate and professional students.
For more detailed information on state financial aid programs contact:
Idaho State Board of Education
Postal address
650 W. State St 3rd Floor
PO Box 83720
Boise, Idaho 83720-0037
Telephone 208-332-1571
The following are financial aid programs available to students who are residents of the state of Idaho.
The Idaho Governor’s Cup Scholarship provides approximately 12 awards to Idaho high school seniors planning to attend an Idaho college or university.
The number of awards is conditional on the availability of funds. Awards will be available to scholars pursuing academic and professional-technical education. The $3,000 award is renewable for up to four years for academic scholars, and for the term of the chosen program, up to three years, for professional-technical students.
To qualify for the scholarship, a student must meet all of the following criteria:
Documentation of volunteer work, leadership, and public service is required.
The Robert R. Lee Promise Category A Scholarship provides approximately 25 new scholarships each year to academic scholars and professional-technical students. The award is /,000 per year, renewable up to four years for academic programs and for the term of the professional-technical program, up to three years.
Category A Eligibility:
To qualify for the scholarship, a student must meet all of the following criteria:
Academic applicants must also:
Professional-technical applicants must also:
The demand for a well qualified, well educated workforce was just one of the driving forces behind the creation of Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter’s ” Opportunity Scholarship.” This scholarship is designed to be a last dollars mechanism; meaning that a student must apply for federal financial aid and have a self or family contribution element before they would be eligible for the Opportunity Scholarship.
In 2007, The Idaho Legislature approved a $10 million dollar appropriation to start the Opportunity Scholarship fund. Governor Otter’s goal is to grow that corpus to approximately $100 million dollars, giving Idaho students and their families access to approximately $10 million dollars a year in actual scholarship monies, funded entirely by interest earnings, thus eliminating any burden to the Idaho taxpaying public.
There are two options to apply for the Opportunity Scholarship:
To qualify applicants must:
The Tschudy Family Scholarship provides scholarships to outstanding students graduating from Emmett High School.
The award is $2,500 and is renewable for up to five years of undergraduate study and two years of graduate study. It is awarded on the basis of academic merit and financial need.
Tschudy Family Scholarship Eligibility:
To qualify for the scholarship, a student must meet all of the following criteria:
The Freedom Scholarship provides a waiver of fees plus up to $500 per semester for books in addition to on-campus housing and subsistence to children of Idaho citizens determined by the federal government to have been prisoners of war, missing in action, or killed in action or died of injuries or wounds sustained in action in southeast Asia, including Korea, or who shall become so hereafter, in any area of armed conflict in which the United States is a party.
Awardees must attend an Idaho public college or university and meet all requirements for regular admission. Educational benefits shall not exceed a total of thirty-six (36) months or four (4) nine (9) month periods.
Dependents of full-time Idaho public safety officers employed in Idaho and who were killed or disabled in the line of duty are eligible to attend an Idaho postsecondary institution with a full waiver of fees. The scholarship also covers the costs of books, equipment and supplies, up to $500 per semester. In addition, on-campus housing and a campus meal plan are provided to the dependents.
Administered by the Idaho State Board of Education for the purpose of helping Idaho School Districts place qualified Bilingual Education, English as a Second Language, and Native American teachers in classrooms where they can serve as role models/mentors to help advance the academic achievement of traditionally underserved minority students through:
The Grow Your Own Teacher Program is intended to provide a career ladder for Idaho school district employees and volunteers to complete requirements for:
Amount: Up to $3,000 for full-time students (The award for part-time students is based on the number of credit hours and the fee charged to part-time students at the participating college or university.)
Scholarships are awarded to a limited number of qualified students attending: Boise State University, the College of Southern Idaho, Idaho State University, or Lewis-Clark State College. For more information, please contact the College of Education at the participating school that you plan to attend.
Eligible Idaho colleges and universities are:
Boise State University
Idaho State University
Lewis-Clark State College
College of Southern Idaho
All freshmen entering an eligible Idaho college or university for the first time and who graduated from an Idaho high school or its equivalent may be eligible to receive the Robert R. Lee Category B Scholarship.
The Robert R. Lee Promise Category B Scholarship will provide approximately 0 per semester for up to four semesters. Institutional matches may be available at some schools. The Robert R. Lee Promise Category B Scholarship is limited to four semesters and to first-time freshmen students who are younger than 22 years of age as of July 1 of the year in which they are applying. Students must successfully complete at least 12 credits per semester and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA to remain eligible for the scholarship.
Category B Eligibility:
To qualify for the scholarship, a student must meet all of the following criteria:
Eligible Idaho colleges and universities are:
Boise State University
Idaho State University
Lewis-Clark State College
University of Idaho
College of Southern Idaho
North Idaho College
Eastern Idaho Technical College
Albertson College of Idaho
Brigham Young University – Idaho
Northwest Nazarene University
The Idaho Legislature established the Minority and “At-Risk” Student Scholarship to assist talented students who are “at-risk” of failing to obtain a college education because of their cultural, economic or physical circumstances. The awards range up to $3,000 a year for a maximum of four years.
Minority and “At-Risk” Scholarship Eligibility:
To qualify for the scholarship, a student must meet the following criteria:
You must also meet three of the following five criteria:
For more information, contact the financial aid office of the participating Idaho college or university you plan to attend,.
Eligible Idaho colleges and universities are:
Albertson College of Idaho
Boise State University
Brigham Young University-Idaho
Eastern Idaho Technical College
Idaho State University
Lewis-Clark State College
University of Idaho
College of Southern Idaho
North Idaho College
Northwest Nazarene University
This grant aids students attending an eligible public or private college or university within the state of Idaho, regardless of their state of residence. Awards range up to $5,000 per academic year, but the average award is $400 for full-time students. Eligible students must have financial need and must be enrolled for at least six credits. For more information, contact the Idaho institution you plan to attend.
Eligible Idaho colleges and universities are:
Boise State University
Idaho State University
Lewis-Clark State College
University of Idaho
College of Southern Idaho
North Idaho College
Eastern Idaho Technical College
Albertson College of Idaho
Northwest Nazarene University
BYU Idaho