A college education has become a significant expense for most families and requires careful planning. Whatever your financial situation is, we encourage you to use this information to help you understand college funding so you can navigate the financial aid process with greater ease.
States provide many financial aid opportunities to help ease the cost of a college education. Please select the state you reside in to learn about state sponsored internships, scholarships and financial aid programs for undergraduate students and assistantships, fellowships, and residency programs for graduate and professional students.
For more detailed information on state financial aid programs contact:
Alabama Commission on Higher Education ACHE
100 North Union Street
P.O. Box 302000
Montgomery, AL 36130-2000
Phone: (334) 242- 2273
Fax: (334) 242-0268
The following are financial aid programs available to students who are residents of the state of Alabama.
Description and Value
Tuition, fees and book assistance to children and spouses of eligible Alabama veterans (with at least a partial disability). Recipients may attend public institutions of higher education in Alabama.
Who May Apply
Students who are children or spouses of eligible Alabama veterans and who attend public postsecondary educational institutions in Alabama. Must enroll as an undergraduate student.
How to Apply
Application forms may be obtained from the
Alabama State Department of Veterans Affairs
P.O. Box 1509
Montgomery, AL 36102-1509
or from any county veterans service officer.
Phone 334/242-5077.
Description and Value
An award to be used for tuition, educational fees and book/supplies for Alabama National Guard members to attend a public postsecondary educational institution in Alabama. Awards are limited to $500 per term, and no more than $1,000 per year. Is not based on need.
Who May Apply
Students who are active members in good standing with a federally-recognized unit of the Alabama National Guard. Participants may receive federal veterans benefits, but must show a cost less aid amount of at least $100.
How to Apply
Applications are available from Alabama National Guard units. Funds are limited, so students who are Guard members are encouraged to apply early. Forms must be signed by a representative of the Alabama Military Department and the financial aid officer at the college or university the student plans to attend.
Description and Value
An award to cover instructional fees and tuition at an Alabama state institution of higher learning for children from families in which the head of the family is blind and whose family income is insufficient to provide educational benefits.
Who May Apply
Students who are Alabama residents and from families in which the head of the family is blind and whose family income is insufficient to provide educational benefits for attendance at an Alabama postsecondary institution. Students must apply within two years of high school graduation.
How to Apply
Applications are available from:
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
2129 East South Blvd.
Montgomery, AL 36116-2455
Description and Value
Need-based, state/federal grant ranging from $300 to $5,000 per academic year. Awards are limited to undergraduate work.
Who May Apply
Undergraduate students who are Alabama residents attending eligible Alabama institutions. Nearly 80 Alabama institutions participate in the program.
How to Apply
Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. This form should be filed early and is available from your high school guidance office or the financial aid office at the institution you plan to attend.
Description and Value
An award of grant assistance at an eligible independent Alabama college or university. Is not based on need. Up to $1200 per academic year with maximum amount available only when sufficient funds are available.
Who May Apply
Undergraduate students–both half-time and full-time–who are Alabama residents attending Birmingham-Southern College, Concordia College, FaulknerUniversity, Huntingdon College, Judson College, Miles College, Oakwood College, Samford University, Selma University, Southeastern Bible College, SouthernVocational College, Spring Hill College, Stillman College, and the University of Mobile.
How to Apply
Applications are available from the financial aid office at the institution you plan to attend. Application deadline dates are printed on the application form.
Description and Value
A grant covering tuition, fees, books and supplies for dependents and eligible spouses of Alabama police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty. There is no limit on the amount awarded to recipients. Awards are available for undergraduate study in public institutions in Alabama.
Who May Apply
Students who are dependents or spouses of police officers or firefighters killed in the line of duty in Alabama. Must be enrolled in an undergraduate program at a public postsecondary educational institution in Alabama. Other special eligibility criteria apply.
How to Apply
Application forms may be obtained from:
Alabama Commission on Higher Education
P O Box 302000
Montgomery, AL 36130-2000
Phone 334/242-2273.