In 1987, TFS Scholarships began as one family’s passion project. Today, it’s the most comprehensive scholarship service on the web.
Of the 7 million scholarships in this database, most come not from the competitive national scholarship pool but directly from colleges and universities themselves. The TFS scholarship database is updated daily. On average, 5,000 new scholarship awards are added to the database every month in an effort to stay current with national scholarship growth rates. New and updated scholarships appear on the TFS website in real time.
The TFS program also provides students with a career personality test, and detailed career information. Students using TFS can determine what careers suit them best, find schools that offer degree programs in those fields and then discover scholarships and other forms of financial aid to help pay for college tuition and expenses.
TFS Scholarships is available free of charge to all high school students looking to continue their education after graduation, all college students currently attending a college or university and all other adults either at home or in the work force that desire to obtain a college degree or take college courses to improve their skills and education. Whether you’re planning for college, already there, working toward a graduate or professional degree, TFS can help you access over 7 million scholarship and over 41 Billion in college funding.
TFS may also be used by parents or guidance counselors who are helping their students find free college funding resources. For more information on how to help spread the word about TFS Scholarships please visit the TFS Resource Toolkit.
Click on the Get Started button to see the registration page, then enter your email address and create your own personal password. Complete the other information and click on the register button. The next time you return to the TFS website you can login with just your username (your email address) and your password.
Most other scholarship search websites contain small scholarship databases made up of mostly national scholarships. These scholarships receive the largest number of applications and are the most difficult to win. The websites contain very few college sponsored awards thus eliminating the largest category of scholarship funds and those awards that students have the best chance to win. The TFS website likewise contains millions of national scholarships, but the largest portion of the TFS scholarship database is made up of scholarships sponsored by individual colleges and universities.
To start searching for scholarships
The TFS program will use the information you provide to find scholarships that match your profile. The scholarships with the closest matches will appear at the top of your scholarship search results. This process will save you a great deal of time because you will only see scholarship awards for which you qualify.
When you find a scholarship that interests you it can be saved to your own personal scholarship list. Your personal list can be accessed only by you when you login to the TFS website. We recommend using your personal scholarship list to help you manage the scholarship application process.
Looking for scholarships can be overwhelming and time consuming, that’s why we developed the most comprehensive database of scholarships and a program to help you track your highest opportunity scholarships in one place. Now that you have set up your free account, here are some next steps:
Determination pays off with scholarship applications – especially since it’s free money that doesn’t have to be repaid. Here are some tips:
Every award, even the smaller amounts add up!
Yes, TFS has scholarships for international students however most awards will require you to use the funds to attend a school in the U.S.
Yes, TFS has many scholarships for DACA students. There are scholarships specifically for “Dreamers” and many other scholarships that allow students with DACA status to apply. Each scholarship is different so be sure to check the requirements before applying.
Yes, TFS has scholarships available for study abroad. Some are very general and can be used anywhere in the world while others are more specific and identify the country or specific location where the funds can be used.
The largest number of study aboard scholarships in TFS are school sponsored awards, since many colleges and universities offer scholarships and other forms of financial aid for study abroad. Most of the awards are for upperclassmen (juniors and seniors in college).
The TFS scholarship database is updated daily. On average, 5,000 new scholarship awards are added to the database every month in an effort to stay current with national scholarship growth rates. New and updated scholarships appear in the TFS database in real time. If you’ve set up a profile, these new scholarships will be updated and appear in your matched results
Yes, over 30% of the TFS Scholarships database includes scholarships, assistantships, and fellowships for graduate and professional students
Most scholarships are awarded during high school, but you can start searching as early as your freshmen year in high school. It pays off to start early and continue applying for scholarships throughout your college career.
New scholarships are added to the TFS database every month. We also post a new scholarship opportunity every day of the year on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram social media accounts (@TFSscholarships). Follow us to see the #ScholarshipoftheDay.
TFS Scholarships is proud to partner with schools, organizations, and employer groups across the country to connect students and their families with essential funding resources. We’ve created a Resource Toolkit where you’ll find a variety of resources you can use to help spread the word!
Also tell your students to follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram (@TFSscholarships). We post a new scholarship opportunity every day of the year. Most are available to any student.
We have made the TFS website very user friendly so you can find lots of scholarships
Provide an answer to as many questions as you can in the registration process to develop your profile. If a question doesn’t apply to you then you can skip it.
You need to understand that searching and applying for scholarships is very time consuming and takes lots of determination and follow thru. Those who put in the time and effort are often rewarded with a scholarship.
TFS is designed to run on all mobile platforms. You can access TFS from your phone or tablet.