Career Assessment Test


At Tuition Funding Sources we want to help you on your path to finding the best career choice. Having trouble finding the perfect career for you? Take our career assessment test to give you options on what careers might interest you.

Select all the options that represent your interests (things you like to do)

I would like to…

Select all the options that represent your skills (things you can do now)

I can…

Select all the careers that interest you.

Im interested in…

Rate yourself on each of the following traits as you really think you are when compared with other persons your own age. Give the most accurate estimate of how you see yourself.

Artistic Ability:

Clerical Ability:

Managerial Skills:

Manual Skills:

Math Ability:

Mechanical Ability:

Musical Ability:

Office Skills:

Sales Ability:

Scientific Ability:

Teaching Ability:

Understanding of others: