Trying to find money for college?  Aren’t we all…which can make things a bit tricky when it comes to being awarded that sought after scholarship.  Scholarships are plentiful, and easier to find and apply for than ever.  But the competition can be fierce.

So how do you make yourself stand out when it comes to finding help with your student finances?


You read that right my friend.  While it’s important to prepare for your entrance exams (ACTs, SATs, etc.), have a pretty resume showing off your volunteer work and heard-earned skills, get involved in the community, expand your extra-curricular activities…it can all add up to a lot of pressure and very little else if you let it.  But it doesn’t have to.

Finding and applying for scholarships and financial aid, even student loans, can be a very fun, worthwhile and – most importantly – pressure free journey if you let it.  And here’s how:  follow your passion…with a purpose

What do we mean by this?  If you love history, follow your sense of adventure.  If you are thinking of taking the medical route, let helping others guide your path.  If are an artist, let your creative abilities lead the way.  Get in touch with museums, hospitals, art galleries…businesses in, or that support, your field.  Find a job with one of these entities, earn their support, and look into their policies on student finances.

Many companies these days include provide help with student loans; some companies even offer full or partial scholarships to employees seeking to advance their education.  May attention to such benefits and go after them!  If your employer has no official student loan or scholarship program, talk to them about implementing one.

Don’t wait until after college to begin your “real life,” pursue your passions now.  Do it with college and student aid in mind and you can not only strengthen your resume, learn valuable skills and snag some help with those tuition bills, you can have fun in the process!  And for the remainder of those tuition, books and other student costs not covered by your awesome new employer, hunt around  With thousands of scholarships at your fingertips and financial aid assessments available with the click of a button, we make finding what you need as easy as possible so you can focus on what you really want to be doing and become a success wherever your passion leads you.

Scholarship of the Day
